Using JDO requires several components that work together: a database that stores your data persistently an application that operates through the JDO layers on the database a JDO...
PersistenceManagerFactory methods Persistence methods Lifecycle methods JDO provides a standard utility that gives access to useful parts of the JDO persistence process. This i...
The majority of applications need to persist (or store) data during their lifecycle. There are many ways of doing this with an application written in Java. If your datastore is ...
Locking Non-Transactional When managing the persistence of objects using a PersistenceManager it is common to handle all datastore operations in a transaction. For this reason ...
How do I contribute (e.g. give feedback, fix bugs, etc.)? Reporting Bugs Contacting Us Contributing as a Non-Committer Becoming a Committer How do I contribute (e.g. give fe...
JDO utilizes some terminology used elsewhere (e.g. Java EE) but also introduces some terminology that may be new to people. Below is a glossary of some common terms that may be en...
JDO Source Code Source Code Version Control Checking Out Code Web Site Specification JDO Source Code Source Code Version Control The ASF operates a dual hosting system for ...
Articles Books Articles There have been several articles about JDO on various websites. Some are listed below SUN : Oracle JDO Web Site
Running the TCK Demonstrating Compliance In order to demonstrate compliance with the Java Data Objects specification, an implementation must pass all of the tests in the Technol...