Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.490 秒,为您找到 402 个相关结果.
  • 伪集群部署(Pseudo-Cluster)

    伪集群部署 前置准备工作 准备 DolphinScheduler 启动环境 配置用户免密及权限 配置机器 SSH 免密登陆 启动 zookeeper 修改相关配置 修改 文件 修改 文件 初始化数据库 启动 DolphinScheduler 登录 Dolph...
  • Bug descriptions

    3406 2024-06-13 《SpotBugs 4.8.5》
    Bad practice (BAD_PRACTICE) JUA: Asserting value of instanceof in tests is not recommended. (JUA_DONT_ASSERT_INSTANCEOF_IN_TESTS) AA: Assertion is used to validate an argument of ...
  • Configurations

    3381 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Environments Kyuubi Configurations Authentication Backend Batch Credentials Ctl Delegation Engine Event Frontend Ha Kinit Kubernetes Lineage Metadata Metrics Operat...
  • Development How-tos

    3327 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Contributing to Documentation Local Development Build Deployment Creating Visualization Plugins Prerequisites Creating a simple Hello World viz plugin Testing Python Testing...
  • FAQ

    3325 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    How big of a dataset can Superset handle? What are the computing specifications required to run Superset? Can I join / query multiple tables at one time? How do I create my own ...
  • JDBC Connector

    JDBC Configuration Semantic EXACTLY_ONCE AT_LEAST_ONCE && NONE Others JDBC read queryFunc to get sql resultFunc process the query data JDBC Read Write Generate target SQL b...
  • 集群部署(Cluster)

    1.1 : 基础软件安装(必装项请自行安装) 1.2 : 下载后端tar.gz包 1.3:创建部署用户和hosts映射 1.4 : 配置hosts映射和ssh打通及修改目录权限 1.5 : 数据库初始化 1.6 : 修改运行参数 1.7 : 执行install.sh部署脚本 1.8 : 登录系统 1.2.1之前DolphinSchedule...
  • Use Cases

    3124 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    A Streaming Data Lake Near Real-Time Ingestion Incremental Processing Pipelines Unified Batch and Streaming Cloud-Native Tables Schema Management ACID Transactions Efficient ...
  • 1. Terminologies

    Terminologies Kyuubi JDBC Apache Hive Apache Thrift Server ServerSpace Engine EngineSpace Apache Spark Multi Tenancy High Availability / Load Balance Apache Zookeeper Apa...
  • Apache Kafka Connector

    依赖 Kafka Source (Consumer) 基础消费示例 高级配置参数 消费多个Kafka实例 消费多个Topic Topic 发现 配置开始消费的位置 指定分区Offset 指定deserializer 返回记录KafkaRecord 指定strategy Kafka Sink (Producer) 容错和语义 多实例k...