HTTP Endpoints Kafka Endpoints Pulsar Endpoints Bring your own implementation Apache Hudi provides the ability to post a callback notification about a write commit. This may b...
all any append concat drop zipWith zip xprod uniq filter find flatten head indexOf join lastIndexOf map nth pluck prepend range reduce reduceRight reject re...
Let’s summarize what we have seen so far and preview what is to come. Rendering R Markdown documents with rmarkdown consists of converting .Rmd to .md with knitr , and then .m...
The majority of applications need to persist (or store) data during their lifecycle. There are many ways of doing this with an application written in Java. If your datastore is ...
Introduction Example Lineage specific identification SQL type support Query Command Building Build with Apache Maven Build against Different Apache Spark Versions Test with...
Auxiliary SQL extension for Spark SQL What feature does Kyuubi SQL extension provide How to use Kyuubi SQL extension Auxiliary SQL extension for Spark SQL Kyuubi provid...
How do I contribute (e.g. give feedback, fix bugs, etc.)? Reporting Bugs Contacting Us Contributing as a Non-Committer Becoming a Committer How do I contribute (e.g. give fe...