Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.438 秒,为您找到 402 个相关结果.
  • JDO Helper

    1108 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    PersistenceManagerFactory methods Persistence methods Lifecycle methods JDO provides a standard utility that gives access to useful parts of the JDO persistence process. This i...
  • 代码块高亮

    1106 2024-05-26 《Markdown 中文版》
    Markdown 代码 单词代码 转义 4个空格声明代码块 3个反引号声明代码块 最佳实践 Markdown 代码 如果是段落上的一个函数或片段的代码可以用反引号把它包起来(`),代码块具有语法高亮效果。 单词代码 使用一个反引号(`) Markdown 原文: 在 Linux 系统中常用 `shell` 作为脚本语...
  • 7.12 Use the details disclosure element

    1104 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    As mentioned in Section 7.4 , we can fold source code chunks via the option code_folding: hide in the html_document format. Currently it is not possible to fold output blocks, b...
  • Getting Started

    1104 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Using JDO requires several components that work together: a database that stores your data persistently an application that operates through the JDO layers on the database a JDO...
  • 2. Kinit Auxiliary Service

    Kinit Auxiliary Service Installing and Configuring the Kerberos Clients Kerberos Ticket Configurations Further Readings Kinit Auxiliary Service In order to work with ...
  • 7.14 Improve accessibility of HTML pages

    1104 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    It is important to make your HTML output documents accessible to readers who are visually impaired or blind. These readers often have to use special tools, such as screen readers,...
  • Objects

    1099 2024-05-25 《Lodash 1.3.1》
    _.assign(object [, source1, source2, …, callback, thisArg]) Aliases Arguments Returns Example _.clone(value [, deep=false, callback, thisArg]) Arguments Returns Example _....
  • 10.2 The kableExtra package

    1097 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    10.2.1 Set the font size 10.2.2 Style specific rows/columns 10.2.3 Group rows/columns 10.2.4 Scaling down wide tables in LaTeX References The kableExtra package (Zhu 2024 ) ...
  • PySpark

    1095 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Requirements Preparation Prepare JDBC driver Prepare JDBC Hive Dialect extension Including jars of JDBC driver and Hive Dialect extension Usage Using as JDBC Datasource progra...
  • 4.15 Create diagrams

    1093 2024-05-23 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    Basic diagrams Adding parameters to plots References There are many separate programs (e.g., Graphviz) that can be used to produce diagrams and flowcharts, but it can be easier...