Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.425 秒,为您找到 426 个相关结果.
  • 1. Terminologies

    Terminologies Kyuubi JDBC Apache Hive Apache Thrift Server ServerSpace Engine EngineSpace Apache Spark Multi Tenancy High Availability / Load Balance Apache Zookeeper Apa...
  • Use Cases

    2756 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    A Streaming Data Lake Near Real-Time Ingestion Incremental Processing Pipelines Unified Batch and Streaming Cloud-Native Tables Schema Management ACID Transactions Efficient ...
  • Alerts and Reports

    2668 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Requirements Commons In your or Disable dry-run mode In your Dockerfile Slack integration Kubernetes-specific Docker Compose s...
  • 任务结构

    任务总体存储结构 各任务类型存储结构详解 Shell节点 SQL节点 PROCEDURE[存储过程]节点 SPARK节点 MapReduce(MR)节点 Python节点 Flink节点 HTTP节点 DataX节点 Sqoop节点 条件分支节点 子流程节点 依赖(DEPENDENT)节点 任务总体存储结构 在dolphin...
  • All Configurations

    2632 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Externalized Config File Hudi Table Config Hudi Table Basic Configs Spark Datasource Configs Read Options Write Options PreCommit Validator Configurations Flink Sql Configs ...
  • SQL Queries

    2536 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Spark SQL Snapshot Query Time Travel Query Change Data Capture Incremental Query Flink SQL Snapshot Query Options Streaming Query Options Incremental Query Options Catal...
  • Security Configurations

    2506 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Provided Roles Admin Alpha Gamma sql_lab Public Managing Data Source Access for Gamma Roles REST API for user & role management Customizing Permissions Permissions Restri...
  • Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS)

    Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS) Introductions Barriers to common Spark job usage High Barrier Insecurity Compatibility Bootstrap latency Limitations of Spark ...
  • Server Properties (2.x)

    2483 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Property Types Below are properties set in or the Accumulo shell that configure Accumulo servers (i.e. tablet server, manager, etc). Properties labeled ‘Expe...
  • Docker Compose

    2462 2024-05-24 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Requirements ​ 1. Clone Superset’s GitHub repository ​ 2. Launch Superset Through Docker Compose ​ Option #1 - for an interactive development environment ​ Option #2 - build...