Introduction Official plugins Plugin type Build Prerequisites Command Build docker image with plugin from answer base image Third-party plugin Usage Upgrade Develop and c...
Docusaurus Translation Configurations Translating Your Existing Docs Enabling Translations on Pages Gathering Strings to Translate Custom Translation Strings How Strings Get T...
Environment Requirements Clone the Source Code Build the Project Open the Project Extract the Package Copy the Path Start the Backend Service Start the Frontend Service Dem...
Running from the command line Using arguments Configuration Reference docusaurus-build docusaurus-examples docusaurus-publish docusaurus-rename-version docusaurus-start ...
Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 该项目建立在以下开源项目的基础上并得到其帮助。我们向这些项目致以敬意。 Apache-2.0 https://g...
Installing Docusaurus Verifying Installation Running the example website Launching the server behind a proxy Updating Your Docusaurus Version Docusaurus was designed from the...
Open-Source Software Notice Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 Open-Source Software Notice The project is built on and with the aid of the...
Introduction Overview Decide to release Checklist to proceed to the next step Prepare for the release One-time setup instructions ASF authentication Java Home Subversion GPG...
Site Structure Create Your Basic Site Navigate to http://localhost:3000 Special Customization Docs Landing Page Blog Only Docusaurus was created to hopefully make it super...