TPC-DS Integration Dependencies Configurations TPC-DS Operations The TPC-DS is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business oriented ad-hoc queries and con...
Description Key features Options project_id [string] collection [string] credentials [string] common options Example Changelog next version Google Firestore sink connec...
Description Key features Options service_account_key [string] sheet_id [string] sheet_name [string] range [string] schema [config] fields [config] Example Changelog next ...
Aliyun OSS configs Aliyun OSS Credentials Aliyun OSS Libs In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into Aliyun OSS. Aliyun OSS configs There are two c...
GCS Configs GCS Credentials GCS Libs For Hudi storage on GCS, regional buckets provide an DFS API with strong consistency. GCS Configs There are two configurations required ...
These sections describe how to obtain: Ambari Repositories HDP Stack Repositories Accessing Ambari repositories requiries authentication. For more information, see the secti...
Baidu BOS configs Baidu BOS Credentials Baidu bos Libs In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi job to store into Baidu BOS. Baidu BOS configs There are two configuratio...
Tencent Cloud COS configs Tencent Cloud COS Credentials Tencent Cloud COS Libs In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into Tencent Cloud COS. Tencen...