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  • 4.20 Manipulate Markdown via Pandoc Lua filters (*)

    1519 2024-05-10 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References Technically, this section may be a little advanced, but once you learn how your Markdown content is translated into the Pandoc abstract syntax tree (AST), you will hav...
  • SageMaker

    SageMaker 节点 综述 创建任务 任务样例 环境配置 SageMaker 节点 综述 Amazon SageMaker 是一个云机器学习平台。 提供了完整的基础设施,工具和工作流来帮助用户可以创建、训练和发布机器学习模型。 Amazon SageMaker Model Building Pipelines 是一个可以直接使用Sa...
  • On Disk Encryption

    1503 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Configuration Encrypting All Tables Per Table Encryption Disabling Crypto Custom Crypto Things to keep in mind Utilities need access to encryption properties Some data will b...
  • S3File

    Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Dependency Data Type Mapping JSON File Type Text Or CSV File Type Orc File Type Parquet File Type ...
  • JDO 3.0 Overview

    1497 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Background Metadata API Enhancer API Query Cancel/Timeout API Control of read objects locking Background Java Data Objects (JDO) is a specification begun in 2000, with 2 maj...
  • Hive

    1491 2024-06-29 《Apache Iceberg 1.5.2》
    Feature support Enabling Iceberg support in Hive Hive 4.0.0-beta-1 Hive 4.0.0-alpha-2 Hive 4.0.0-alpha-1 Hive 2.3.x, Hive 3.1.x Loading runtime jar Enabling support Hadoop con...
  • Creating your first interoperable table

    Pre-requisites Steps Initialize a pyspark shell Create dataset Running sync Conclusion Next steps Using OneTable to sync your source tables in different target format invo...
  • 4. Kyuubi Release Guide

    Kyuubi Release Guide Introduction Overview Decide to release Checklist to proceed to the next step Prepare for the release One-time setup instructions ASF authentication Subve...
  • 9.6 Custom blocks (*)

    1479 2024-05-23 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    Syntax Adding a shaded box Including icons Section 2.7 of the bookdown book mentioned how we can use custom blocks in R Markdown to customize the appearance of blocks of cont...
  • PersistenceManagerFactory

    1475 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Standard JDO Properties Any JDO-enabled application will require (at least) one PersistenceManagerFactory. Typically applications create one per datastore being utilised. A Persi...