Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.468 秒,为您找到 293 个相关结果.
  • 登录 Apache Ambari

    先决条件 步骤 下一步 更多信息 先决条件 Ambari 服务器必须正在运行。 要使用 Web 浏览器登录 Ambari Web: 步骤 将您的网络浏览器指向 http ://< your . ambari . server >: 8080 ,其中 <your.ambari.server> 是您的 ambari 服务器...
  • 安装 Postgres

    在你开始之前 步骤 在你开始之前 如果您已经安装了MySQL数据库,则可以跳过这些步骤。 您必须为 SAM 和架构注册表安装 Postgres 9.5 或更高版本。 Ambari 不安装 Postgres 9.5,因此您必须执行手动 Postgres 安装。 步骤 根据操作系统的要求安装 Red Hat Package Manage...
  • Datadog-agent

    1、注册datadog的账号 2、选择套餐 3、拿到agent安装命令 4、修改配置文件 5、重启datadog-agent Datadog 是专门提供监控和分析服务的 SaaS 服务商,市值几百亿,成立了10多年了,他们做的客户端采集器,理论上应该是比较完备的,夜莺实现了几个 Datadog 特定的接口,可以接收Datadog-Agent 推送...
  • FtpFile

    Description Key features Options host [string] port [int] user [string] password [string] path [string] connection_mode [string] custom_filename [boolean] file_name_expres...
  • Hive

    Description Key features Options table_name [string] metastore_uri [string] hdfs_site_path [string] hive_site_path [string] hive.hadoop.conf [map] hive.hadoop.conf-path [str...
  • Setup

    678 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Getting Apache AGE Releases Source Code Installing From Source Code Pre-Installation CentOS Fedora Ubuntu Install PostgreSQL Install From Source Code Install From a Package...
  • Metadata Indexing

    677 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Setup Async Indexing Configurations Schedule indexing Execute Indexing Drop Index Caveats Related Resources Hudi maintains a scalable metadata that has some auxiliary data...
  • SftpFile

    Description Key features Options host [string] port [int] username [string] password [string] path [string] custom_filename [boolean] file_name_expression [string] filenam...
  • Setting up a Local Repository with Temporary Internet Access

    Prerequisites Steps More Information Prerequisites You must have completed the Getting Started Setting up a Local Repository procedure. - To finish setting up your local r...
  • RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7

    Steps Next Step More Information On a server host that has Internet access, use a command line editor to perform the following Steps Log in to your host as root . Download t...