User experience Reliability and performance Open standard Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets. Iceberg adds tables to compute engines including S...
Prerequisites Running the Proxy Server Proxy Client Examples Ruby Python Java The Accumulo Proxy allows the interaction with Accumulo with languages other than Java. A prox...
all any append concat drop zipWith zip xprod uniq filter find flatten head indexOf join lastIndexOf map nth pluck prepend range reduce reduceRight reject re...
all any append concat drop zipWith zip xprod uniq filter find flatten head indexOf join lastIndexOf map nth pluck prepend range reduce reduceRight reject re...
Introduce multi-catalog How to use Future work Introduce multi-catalog A catalog is a metadata namespace that stores information about databases, tables, views, indexes, users...
Server configuration Client configuration Generating SSL material using OpenSSL Generate a certificate/keystore per host Accumulo, through Thrift’s TSSLTransport, provides the...
all any append concat drop zipWith zip xprod uniq filter find flatten head indexOf join lastIndexOf map nth pluck prepend range reduce reduceRight reject re...
all any append concat drop zipWith zip xprod uniq filter find flatten head indexOf join lastIndexOf map nth pluck prepend range reduce reduceRight reject re...
each map reduce reduceRight find filter findWhere where reject every some contains invoke pluck max min sortBy groupBy indexBy countBy shuffle sample toArray ...