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  • Debian 9

    Steps Next Step More Information On a server host that has Internet access, use a command line editor to perform the following Steps Before installing Ambari, you must upda...
  • 3. Trouble Shooting

    Trouble Shooting Common Issues java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError .. Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 org.apache.spark.SparkException: When running with master ‘yarn’ eith...
  • 2.1. How To Use Spark Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) in Kyuubi

    How To Use Spark Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) in Kyuubi The Basics of Dynamic Resource Allocation How to Enable Dynamic Resource Allocation Dynamic Resource Allocation w/ Ext...
  • Pytorch

    Pytorch 节点(试验版) 综述 创建任务 任务样例 Pytorch参数 运行参数 python环境参数 Demo 环境配置 指定python路径 使用Conda创建新环境 使用virtualenv创建新环境 其他 Pytorch 节点(试验版) 综述 Pytorch 是一个的主流Python机器学习库。 为了用户能够...
  • Apache JDO

    1014 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Welcome to Apache JDO, a project of the Apache DB project . Our goal is a thriving community of users and developers of object persistence technology. Java Data Objects (JDO) is a...
  • Oracle

    Description Support Those Engines Using Dependency For Spark/Flink Engine For SeaTunnel Zeta Engine Key Features Supported DataSource Info Database Dependency Data Type Map...
  • 升级

    1. 备份上一版本文件和数据库 2. 停止dolphinscheduler所有服务 3. 下载新版本的安装包 4. 数据库升级 5. 服务升级 5.1 修改conf/config/install_config.conf 配置内容 注意事项 升级时如何设置worker分组与之前一致 5.2 执行部署脚本 1. 备份上一版本文件和数据库 ...
  • MongoDB

    Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Data Type Mapping Source Options Tips How to Create a MongoDB Data Synchronization Jobs Parameter I...
  • Ubuntu 16

    步骤 下一步 更多信息 在可以访问 Internet 的服务器主机上,使用命令行编辑器执行以下操作 在安装 Ambari 服务器之前,请确保在所有主机上安装 apt-transport-https 软件包,如下所示: apt - get install apt - transport - https 步骤 在安装 Ambari 之...
  • Kyuubi Hive JDBC Driver

    995 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Referencing the JDBC Driver Libraries Using the Driver in Java Code Maven sbt Gradle Using the Driver in a JDBC Application Registering the Driver Class Building the Connect...