Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.553 秒,为您找到 11 个相关结果.
  • 前端开发

    前端开发文档 技术选型 开发环境搭建 Node安装 前端项目构建 !!!这里特别注意 项目如果在拉取依赖包的过程中报 “ node-sass error “ 错误,请在执行完后再次执行以下命令 开发环境运行 前端项目发布 Linux下使用node启动并且守护进程 命令 项目目录结构 系统功能模块 路由和状态管理 规范 Vue规范 ...
  • Bug descriptions

    2034 2024-06-13 《SpotBugs 4.8.5》
    Bad practice (BAD_PRACTICE) JUA: Asserting value of instanceof in tests is not recommended. (JUA_DONT_ASSERT_INSTANCEOF_IN_TESTS) AA: Assertion is used to validate an argument of ...
  • Detectors

    1294 2024-06-13 《SpotBugs 4.8.5》
    Standard detectors OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuperDetector FindRoughConstants SynchronizeAndNullCheckField InitializeNonnullFieldsInConstructor BooleanReturnNull OptionalRetu...
  • Contributing to Superset

    1201 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Contributing to Superset Orientation Types of Contributions Report Bug Submit Ideas or Feature Requests Fix Bugs Implement Features Improve Documentation Add Translations As...
  • Get Involved

    680 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    How do I contribute (e.g. give feedback, fix bugs, etc.)? Reporting Bugs Contacting Us Contributing as a Non-Committer Becoming a Committer How do I contribute (e.g. give fe...
  • References

    627 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Articles Books Articles There have been several articles about JDO on various websites. Some are listed below SUN : Oracle JDO Web Site
  • Oracle 先决条件

    由于 Amazon RDS 的限制 ,必须手动创建 Ranger 数据库用户和表空间,并且必须手动向 Ranger 数据库用户授予所需的权限。 使用主用户帐号(创建 RDS Oracle实例时创建的)登录 RDS Oracle 服务器,执行以下命令: create user $rangerdbuser identified by “ passw...
  • Oracle Prerequisite

    Due to limitations in Amazon RDS , the Ranger database user and tablespace must be created manually and the required privileges must be manually granted to the Ranger database use...
  • Oracle Prerequisite

    Due to limitations in Amazon RDS , the Ranger database user and tablespace must be created manually and the required privileges must be manually granted to the Ranger database use...
  • Issue Tracking

    450 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    JIRA View Issues JIRA The JDO project uses JIRA to track issues. We use the following workflow for our JIRA issues: Open→Resolved(<→Reopened)→Closed When the engineer has ...