16.1. Metrics

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO

Redisson provides integration the most popular monitoring systems through Micrometer framework.

1. AppOptics

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.AppOpticsMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - AppOptics host uri
hostTag - tag mapped to host
apiToken - AppOptics api token
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-appoptics

2. Atlas

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.AtlasMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Atlas host uri
configUri - Atlas LWC endpoint uri to retrieve current subscriptions
evalUri - Atlas LWC endpoint uri to evaluate the data for a subscription
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 4)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 10000)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-atlas

3. Azure

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.AzureMonitorMeterRegistryProvider
Params instrumentationKey - instrumentation key
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-azure-monitor

4. Amazon CloudWatch

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.CloudWatchMeterRegistryProvider
Params accessKey - AWS access key
secretKey - AWS secret access key
namespace - namespace value
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-cloudwatch

5. Datadog

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.DatadogMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Datadog host uri
hostTag - tag mapped to host
apiKey - api key
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-datadog

6. Dropwizard

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.DropwizardMeterRegistryProvider
Params sharedRegistryName - name used to store instance in SharedMetricRegistries
nameMapper - custom implementation of io.micrometer.core.instrument.util.HierarchicalNameMapper

7. Dynatrace

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.DynatraceMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Dynatrace host uri
apiToken - api token
deviceId - device id
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-dynatrace

8. Elastic

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.ElasticMeterRegistryProvider
Params host - Elasticsearch host uri
userName - user name
password - password
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-elastic

9. Ganglia

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.GangliaMeterRegistryProvider
Params host - Ganglia host address
port - Ganglia port
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-ganglia

10. Graphite

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.GraphiteMeterRegistryProvider
Params host - Graphite host address
port - Graphite port
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-graphite

11. Humio

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.HumioMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Humio host uri
repository - repository name
apiToken - api token
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-humio

12. Influx

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.InfluxMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Influx host uri
db - db name
userName - user name
password - password
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-influx

13. JMX

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.JmxMeterRegistryProvider
Params domain - domain name
sharedRegistryName - name used to store instance in SharedMetricRegistries
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-jmx

14. Kairos

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.KairosMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Kairos host uri
userName - user name
password - password
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-kairos

15. NewRelic

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.NewRelicMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - NewRelic host uri
apiKey - api key
accountId - account id
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-new-relic

16. Prometheus

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.MeterRegistryWrapper
Params registry - instance of PrometheusMeterRegistry object
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-prometheus

17. SingnalFx

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.SingnalFxMeterRegistryProvider
Params apiHost - SingnalFx host uri
accessToken - access token
source - application instance id
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 10 secs)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-signalfx

18. Stackdriver

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.StackdriverMeterRegistryProvider
Params projectId - project id
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-stackdriver

19. Statsd

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.StatsdMeterRegistryProvider
Params host - Statsd host address
port - Statsd port
flavor - metrics format ETSY/DATADOG/TELEGRAF/SYSDIG
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-statsd

20. Wavefront

Class org.redisson.config.metrics.WavefrontMeterRegistryProvider
Params uri - Wavefront host uri
source - application instance id
apiToken - api token
numThreads - number of threads used by scheduler (default is 2)
step - update interval in ISO-8601 format (default is 1 min)
batchSize - number of measurements sent per request (default is 500)
Dependency groupId: io.micrometer
artifactId: micrometer-registry-wavefront


  1. Config config = ... // Redisson PRO config object
  2. // JMX
  3. JmxMeterRegistryProvider provider = new JmxMeterRegistryProvider();
  4. provider.setDomain("appStats");
  5. config.setMeterRegistryProvider(provider);
  6. // Prometheus
  7. PrometheusMeterRegistry registry = ...
  8. config.setMeterRegistryProvider(new MeterRegistryWrapper(registry));
  9. // Dynatrace
  10. DynatraceMeterRegistryProvider p = new DynatraceMeterRegistryProvider();
  11. p.setApiToken("Hg3M0iadsQC2Pcjk6QIW0g");
  12. p.setUri("https://qtd9012301.live.dynatrace.com/");
  13. p.setDeviceId("myHost");
  14. config.setMeterRegistryProvider(p);
  15. // Influx
  16. InfluxMeterRegistryProvider provider = new InfluxMeterRegistryProvider();
  17. provider.setUri("http://localhost:8086/");
  18. provider.setDb("myinfluxdb");
  19. provider.setUserName("admin");
  20. provider.setPassword("admin");
  21. config.setMeterRegistryProvider(provider);

YAML config is appended to Redisson config:


  1. meterRegistryProvider: !<org.redisson.config.metrics.JmxMeterRegistryProvider>
  2. domain: "appStats"


  1. meterRegistryProvider: !<org.redisson.config.metrics.DynatraceMeterRegistryProvider>
  2. apiToken: "Hg3M0iadsQC2Pcjk6QIW0g"
  3. uri: "https://qtd9012301.live.dynatrace.com"
  4. deviceId: "myHost"


  1. meterRegistryProvider: !<org.redisson.config.metrics.InfluxMeterRegistryProvider>
  2. uri: "http://localhost:8086/"
  3. db: "myinfluxdb"
  4. userName: "admin"
  5. password: "admin"

The following metrics are available:

Configuration metrics

  • redisson.license.expiration-year - A Gauge of the number of the license expiration year
  • redisson.license.expiration-month - A Gauge of the number of the license expiration month
  • redisson.license.expiration-day - A Gauge of the number of the license expiration day
  • redisson.license.active-instances - A Gauge of the number of active Redisson PRO clients
  • redisson.executor-pool-size - A Gauge of the number of executor threads pool size
  • redisson.netty-pool-size - A Gauge of the number of netty threads pool size
  • netty.eventexecutor.tasks.pending - Number of pending tasks in Netty event executor

Metrics per Redis node.

Base name: redisson.redis.<host>:<port>

  • status - A Gauge of the number value of Redis node status [1 = connected, -1 = disconnected]
  • type - A Gauge of the number value of Redis node type [1 = MASTER, 2 = SLAVE, 3 = SENTINEL]

  • total-response-bytes - A Meter of the total amount of bytes received from Redis

  • response-bytes - A Histogram of the number of bytes received from Redis
  • total-request-bytes - A Meter of the total amount of bytes sent to Redis
  • request-bytes - A Histogram of the number of bytes sent to Redis

  • connections.active - A Counter of the number of busy connections

  • connections.free - A Counter of the number of free connections
  • connections.max-pool-size - A Counter of the number of maximum connection pool size
  • connections.reconnected - A Counter of the number of reconnected connections
  • connections.total - A Counter of the number of total connections in pool

  • operations.total - A Meter of the number of total executed operations

  • operations.total-failed - A Meter of the number of total failed operations
  • operations.total-successful - A Meter of the number of total successful operations
  • operations.latency - A Histogram of the number of operations latency in milliseconds
  • operations.retry-attempt - A Histogram of the number of operations attempt

  • publish-subscribe-connections.active - A Counter of the number of active publish subscribe connections

  • publish-subscribe-connections.free - A Counter of the number of free publish subscribe connections
  • publish-subscribe-connections.max-pool-size - A Counter of the number of maximum publish subscribe connection pool size
  • publish-subscribe-connections.total - A Counter of the number of total publish subscribe connections in pool

Metrics per RRemoteService object

Base name: redisson.remote-service.<name>

  • invocations.total - A Meter of the number of total executed invocations
  • invocations.total-failed - A Meter of the number of total failed to execute invocations
  • invocations.total-successful - A Meter of the number of total successful to execute invocations

Metrics per RExecutorService object

Base name: redisson.executor-service.<name>

  • tasks.submitted - A Meter of the number of submitted tasks
  • tasks.executed - A Meter of the number of executed tasks

  • workers.active - A Gauge of the number of busy task workers

  • workers.free - A Gauge of the number of free task workers
  • workers.total - A Gauge of the number of total task workers
  • workers.tasks-executed.total - A Meter of the number of total executed tasks by workers
  • workers.tasks-executed.total-failed - A Meter of the number of total failed to execute tasks by workers
  • workers.tasks-executed.total-successful - A Meter of the number of total successful to execute tasks by workers

Metrics per RMap object

Base name: redisson.map.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

Metrics per RMapCache object

Base name: redisson.map-cache.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

Metrics per RClusteredMapCache object

Base name: redisson.clustered-map-cache.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

Metrics per RLocalCachedMap object

Base name: redisson.local-cached-map.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

  • local-cache.hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache

  • local-cache.misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.evictions - A Meter of the number of evictions for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.size - A Gauge of the number of local cache size

Metrics per RClusteredLocalCachedMap object

Base name: redisson.clustered-local-cached-map.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

  • local-cache.hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache

  • local-cache.misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.evictions - A Meter of the number of evictions for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.size - A Gauge of the number of local cache size

Metrics per RLocalCachedMapCache object

Base name: redisson.local-cached-map-cache.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

  • local-cache.hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache

  • local-cache.misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.evictions - A Meter of the number of evictions for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.size - A Gauge of the number of local cache size

Metrics per RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache object

Base name: redisson.clustered-local-cached-map-cache.<name>

  • hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in cache
  • misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data not contained in cache
  • puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the cache
  • removals - A Meter of the number of removals from the cache

  • local-cache.hits - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache

  • local-cache.misses - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.evictions - A Meter of the number of evictions for data contained in local cache
  • local-cache.size - A Gauge of the number of local cache size

Metrics per RTopic object

Base name: redisson.topic.<name>

  • messages-sent - A Meter of the number of messages sent for topic
  • messages-received - A Meter of the number of messages received for topic

Metrics per RBucket object

Base name: redisson.bucket.<name>

  • gets - A Meter of the number of get operations executed for bucket object
  • sets - A Meter of the number of set operations executed for bucket object

Metrics per JCache object

Base name: redisson.JCache.<name>

  • cache.evictions - A Meter of the number of evictions for data contained in JCache
  • cache.puts - A Meter of the number of puts to the JCache
  • hit.cache.gets - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in JCache
  • miss.cache.gets - A Meter of the number of get requests for data contained in JCache

16.2. Tracing

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO

Redisson provides integration with the most popular tracer libraries through Micrometer Observation API and Micrometer Tracing framework. This feature allows to gather extra statistics about invoked Redisson methods: name, arguments, invocation path, duration and frequency.

Configuration metrics per Tracing event.

  • invocation - Redisson method with arguments. Arguments are included only if includeArgs set true
  • object_name - Redisson object name
  • address - Redis server address
  • username - username used to connect to Redis server

1. OpenZipkin Brave

Configuration example:

  1. OkHttpSender sender = OkHttpSender.create("http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans");
  2. AsyncZipkinSpanHandler zipkinSpanHandler = AsyncZipkinSpanHandler.create(sender);
  3. StrictCurrentTraceContext braveCurrentTraceContext = StrictCurrentTraceContext.create();
  4. Tracing tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()
  5. .localServiceName("myservice")
  6. .currentTraceContext(braveCurrentTraceContext)
  7. .sampler(Sampler.ALWAYS_SAMPLE)
  8. .addSpanHandler(zipkinSpanHandler)
  9. .build();
  10. config.setTracingProvider(new BraveTracingProvider(tracing));

Required dependencies:

groupId: io.zipkin.reporter2, artifactId: zipkin-sender-okhttp3
groupId: io.zipkin.reporter2, artifactId: zipkin-reporter-brave

2. OpenTelemetry

Configuration example:

  1. SpanExporter spanExporter = new ZipkinSpanExporterBuilder()
  2. .setSender(URLConnectionSender.create("http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"))
  3. .build();
  4. SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
  5. .addSpanProcessor(BatchSpanProcessor.builder(spanExporter).build())
  6. .build();
  7. OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetrySdk = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
  8. .setPropagators(ContextPropagators.create(B3Propagator.injectingSingleHeader()))
  9. .setTracerProvider(sdkTracerProvider)
  10. .build();
  11. io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer otelTracer = openTelemetrySdk.getTracerProvider().get("io.micrometer.micrometer-tracing");
  12. config.setTracingProvider(new OtelTracingProvider(otelTracer, openTelemetrySdk.getPropagators()));

Required dependencies:

groupId: io.opentelemetry, artifactId: opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin
groupId: io.zipkin.reporter2, artifactId: zipkin-sender-urlconnection