Initial Setup

To setup your site’s blog, start by creating a blog directory within your repo’s website directory.

Then, add a header link to your blog within siteConfig.js:

  1. headerLinks: [
  2. ...
  3. { blog: true, label: 'Blog' },
  4. ...
  5. ]

Adding Posts

To publish in the blog, create a file within the blog directory with a formatted name of The post date is extracted from the file name.

For example, at website/blog/

  1. ---
  2. title: Introducing Docusaurus
  3. author: Joel Marcey
  4. authorURL:
  5. authorFBID: 611217057
  6. authorTwitter: JoelMarcey
  7. ---
  8. Lorem Ipsum...

Adding slug will override the url of the blog post.

For example:

  1. ---
  2. slug: introducing-docusaurus
  3. title: Introducing Docusaurus
  4. author: Joel Marcey
  5. authorURL:
  6. authorFBID: 611217057
  7. authorTwitter: JoelMarcey
  8. ---
  9. Lorem Ipsum...

Will be available at https://website/blog/introducing-docusaurus

Header Options

The only required field is title; however, we provide options to add author information to your blog post as well along with other options.

  • author - The text label of the author byline.
  • authorURL - The URL associated with the author. This could be a Twitter, GitHub, Facebook account, etc.
  • authorFBID - The Facebook profile ID that is used to fetch the profile picture.
  • authorImageURL - The URL to the author’s image. (Note: If you use both authorFBID and authorImageURL, authorFBID will take precedence. Don’t include authorFBID if you want authorImageURL to appear.)
  • title - The blog post title.
  • slug - The blog post url slug. Example: /blog/my-test-slug. When not specified, the blog url slug will be extracted from the file name.
  • unlisted - The post will be accessible by directly visiting the URL but will not show up in the sidebar in the final build; during local development, the post will still be listed. Useful in situations where you want to share a WIP post with others for feedback.
  • draft - The post will not appear if set to true. Useful in situations where WIP but don’t want to share the post.

Summary Truncation

Use the <!--truncate--> marker in your blog post to represent what will be shown as the summary when viewing all published blog posts. Anything above <!--truncate--> will be part of the summary. For example:

  1. ---
  2. title: Truncation Example
  3. ---
  4. All this will be part of the blog post summary.
  5. Even this.
  6. <!--truncate-->
  7. But anything from here on down will not be.
  8. Not this.
  9. Or this.

Changing How Many Blog Posts Show on Sidebar

By default, 5 recent blog posts are shown on the sidebar.

You can configure a specific amount of blog posts to show by adding a blogSidebarCount setting to your siteConfig.js.

The available options are an integer representing the number of posts you wish to show or a string with the value ALL.


  1. blogSidebarCount: 'ALL',

Changing The Sidebar Title

You can configure a specific sidebar title by adding a blogSidebarTitle setting to your siteConfig.js.

The option is an object which can have the keys default and all. Specifying a value for default allows you to change the default sidebar title. Specifying a value for all allows you to change the sidebar title when the blogSidebarCount option is set to ALL.


  1. blogSidebarTitle: { default: 'Recent posts', all: 'All blog posts' },

RSS Feed

Docusaurus provides an RSS feed for your blog posts. Both RSS and Atom feed formats are supported. This data is automatically added to your website page’s HTML <HEAD> tag.

A summary of the post’s text is provided in the RSS feed up to the <!--truncate-->. If no <!--truncate--> tag is found, then all text up to 250 characters are used.

Social Buttons

If you want Facebook and/or Twitter social buttons at the bottom of your blog posts, set the facebookAppId and/or twitter site configuration options in siteConfig.js.

Advanced Topics

I want to run in “Blog Only” mode.

You can run your Docusaurus site without a landing page and instead have your blog load first.

To do this:

  • Create a file index.html in website/static/.
  • Place the contents of the template below into website/static/index.html
  • Customize the <title> of website/static/index.html
  • Delete the dynamic landing page website/pages/en/index.js

Now, when Docusaurus generates or builds your site, it will copy the file from static/index.html and place it in the site’s main directory. The static file is served when a visitor arrives on your page. When the page loads, it will redirect the visitor to /blog.

You can use this template:

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en-US">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  5. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=blog/" />
  6. <script type="text/javascript">
  7. window.location.href = 'blog/';
  8. </script>
  9. <title>Title of Your Blog</title>
  10. </head>
  11. <body>
  12. If you are not redirected automatically, follow this
  13. <a href="blog/">link</a>.
  14. </body>
  15. </html>