Syncing to Glue Data Catalog

This document walks through the steps to register a OneTable synced table in Glue Data Catalog on AWS.


  1. Source table(s) (Hudi/Delta/Iceberg) already written to Amazon S3. If you don’t have the source table written in S3 already, you can follow the steps in this tutorial to set it up
  2. Setup access to interact with AWS APIs from the command line. If you haven’t installed AWSCLIv2, you do so by following the steps outlined in AWS docs and also set up access credentials by following the steps here
  3. Clone the OneTable repository and create the utilities-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-bundled.jar by following the steps on the Installation page


Running sync

Create my_config.yaml in the cloned OneTable directory.


  1. sourceFormat: DELTA|ICEBERG # choose only one
  2. targetFormats:
  3. - HUDI
  4. datasets:
  5. -
  6. tableBasePath: s3://path/to/source/data
  7. tableName: table_name


  1. sourceFormat: HUDI|ICEBERG # choose only one
  2. targetFormats:
  3. - DELTA
  4. datasets:
  5. -
  6. tableBasePath: s3://path/to/source/data
  7. tableName: table_name
  8. partitionSpec: partitionpath:VALUE # you only need to specify partitionSpec for HUDI sourceFormat


  1. sourceFormat: HUDI|DELTA # choose only one
  2. targetFormats:
  3. - ICEBERG
  4. datasets:
  5. -
  6. tableBasePath: s3://path/to/source/data
  7. tableName: table_name
  8. partitionSpec: partitionpath:VALUE # you only need to specify partitionSpec for HUDI sourceFormat

Replace with appropriate values for sourceFormat, tableBasePath and tableName fields.

From your terminal under the cloned onetable directory, run the sync process using the below command.

  1. java -jar utilities/target/utilities-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-bundled.jar --datasetConfig my_config.yaml

At this point, if you check your bucket path, you will be able to see the .hoodie or _delta_log or metadata directory with metadata files which contains the information that helps query engines interpret the data as the target table.

Register the target table in Glue Data Catalog

From your terminal, create a glue database.

  1. aws glue create-database --database-input "{\"Name\":\"onetable_synced_db\"}"

From your terminal, create a glue crawler. Modify the <yourAccountId>, <yourRoleName> and <path/to/your/data>, with appropriate values.

  1. export accountId=<yourAccountId>
  2. export roleName=<yourRoleName>
  3. export s3DataPath=s3://<path/to/source/data>


  1. aws glue create-crawler --name onetable_crawler --role arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/service-role/${roleName} --database onetable_synced_db --targets "{\"HudiTargets\":[{\"Paths\":[\"${s3DataPath}\"]}]}"


  1. aws glue create-crawler --name onetable_crawler --role arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/service-role/${roleName} --database onetable_synced_db --targets "{\"DeltaTargets\":[{\"Paths\":[\"${s3DataPath}\"]}]}"


  1. aws glue create-crawler --name onetable_crawler --role arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/service-role/${roleName} --database onetable_synced_db --targets "{\"IcebergTargets\":[{\"Paths\":[\"${s3DataPath}\"]}]}"

From your terminal, run the glue crawler.

  1. aws glue start-crawler --name onetable_crawler

Once the crawler succeeds, you’ll be able to query this Iceberg table from Athena, EMR and/or Redshift query engines.

Validating the results

After the crawler runs successfully, you can inspect the catalogued tables in Glue and also query the table in Amazon Athena like below:

  1. SELECT * FROM onetable_synced_db.<table_name>;


In this guide we saw how to,

  1. sync a source table to create metadata for the desired target table formats using OneTable
  2. catalog the data in the target table format in Glue Data Catalog
  3. query the target table using Amazon Athena