CREATE Catalog

Hive catalog

This creates an Iceberg catalog named hive_catalog that can be configured using 'catalog-type'='hive', which loads tables from Hive metastore:

  1. CREATE CATALOG hive_catalog WITH (
  2. 'type'='iceberg',
  3. 'catalog-type'='hive',
  4. 'uri'='thrift://localhost:9083',
  5. 'clients'='5',
  6. 'property-version'='1',
  7. 'warehouse'='hdfs://nn:8020/warehouse/path'
  8. );

The following properties can be set if using the Hive catalog:

  • uri: The Hive metastore’s thrift URI. (Required)
  • clients: The Hive metastore client pool size, default value is 2. (Optional)
  • warehouse: The Hive warehouse location, users should specify this path if neither set the hive-conf-dir to specify a location containing a hive-site.xml configuration file nor add a correct hive-site.xml to classpath.
  • hive-conf-dir: Path to a directory containing a hive-site.xml configuration file which will be used to provide custom Hive configuration values. The value of hive.metastore.warehouse.dir from <hive-conf-dir>/hive-site.xml (or hive configure file from classpath) will be overwritten with the warehouse value if setting both hive-conf-dir and warehouse when creating iceberg catalog.
  • hadoop-conf-dir: Path to a directory containing core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml configuration files which will be used to provide custom Hadoop configuration values.

Hadoop catalog

Iceberg also supports a directory-based catalog in HDFS that can be configured using 'catalog-type'='hadoop':

  1. CREATE CATALOG hadoop_catalog WITH (
  2. 'type'='iceberg',
  3. 'catalog-type'='hadoop',
  4. 'warehouse'='hdfs://nn:8020/warehouse/path',
  5. 'property-version'='1'
  6. );

The following properties can be set if using the Hadoop catalog:

  • warehouse: The HDFS directory to store metadata files and data files. (Required)

Execute the sql command USE CATALOG hadoop_catalog to set the current catalog.

REST catalog

This creates an iceberg catalog named rest_catalog that can be configured using 'catalog-type'='rest', which loads tables from a REST catalog:

  1. CREATE CATALOG rest_catalog WITH (
  2. 'type'='iceberg',
  3. 'catalog-type'='rest',
  4. 'uri'='https://localhost/'
  5. The following properties can be set if using the REST catalog:
  6. * `uri`: The URL to the REST Catalog (Required)
  7. * `credential`: A credential to exchange for a token in the OAuth2 client credentials flow (Optional)
  8. * `token`: A token which will be used to interact with the server (Optional)
  9. #### Custom catalog
  10. Flink also supports loading a custom Iceberg `Catalog` implementation by specifying the `catalog-impl` property:
  11. ```sql
  12. CREATE CATALOG my_catalog WITH (
  13. 'type'='iceberg',
  14. 'catalog-impl'='',
  15. 'my-additional-catalog-config'='my-value'
  16. );

Create through YAML config

Catalogs can be registered in sql-client-defaults.yaml before starting the SQL client.

  1. catalogs:
  2. - name: my_catalog
  3. type: iceberg
  4. catalog-type: hadoop
  5. warehouse: hdfs://nn:8020/warehouse/path

Create through SQL Files

The Flink SQL Client supports the -i startup option to execute an initialization SQL file to set up environment when starting up the SQL Client.

  1. -- define available catalogs
  2. CREATE CATALOG hive_catalog WITH (
  3. 'type'='iceberg',
  4. 'catalog-type'='hive',
  5. 'uri'='thrift://localhost:9083',
  6. 'warehouse'='hdfs://nn:8020/warehouse/path'
  7. );
  8. USE CATALOG hive_catalog;

Using -i <init.sql> option to initialize SQL Client session:

  1. /path/to/bin/ -i /path/to/init.sql


By default, Iceberg will use the default database in Flink. Using the following example to create a separate database in order to avoid creating tables under the default database:

  1. CREATE DATABASE iceberg_db;
  2. USE iceberg_db;


  1. CREATE TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` (
  2. id BIGINT COMMENT 'unique id',
  4. ) WITH ('format-version'='2');

Table create commands support the commonly used Flink create clauses including:

  • PARTITION BY (column1, column2, ...) to configure partitioning, Flink does not yet support hidden partitioning.
  • COMMENT 'table document' to set a table description.
  • WITH ('key'='value', ...) to set table configuration which will be stored in Iceberg table properties.

Currently, it does not support computed column and watermark definition etc.


Primary key constraint can be declared for a column or a set of columns, which must be unique and do not contain null. It’s required for UPSERT mode.

  1. CREATE TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` (
  2. id BIGINT COMMENT 'unique id',
  3. data STRING NOT NULL,
  5. ) WITH ('format-version'='2');


To create a partition table, use PARTITIONED BY:

  1. CREATE TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` (
  2. id BIGINT COMMENT 'unique id',
  4. )
  5. PARTITIONED BY (data)
  6. WITH ('format-version'='2');

Iceberg supports hidden partitioning but Flink doesn’t support partitioning by a function on columns. There is no way to support hidden partitions in the Flink DDL.


To create a table with the same schema, partitioning, and table properties as another table, use CREATE TABLE LIKE.

  1. CREATE TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` (
  2. id BIGINT COMMENT 'unique id',
  3. data STRING
  4. );
  5. CREATE TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample_like` LIKE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample`;

For more details, refer to the Flink CREATE TABLE documentation.


Iceberg only support altering table properties:

  1. ALTER TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` SET ('write.format.default'='avro');


  1. ALTER TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample` RENAME TO `hive_catalog`.`default`.`new_sample`;


To delete a table, run:

  1. DROP TABLE `hive_catalog`.`default`.`sample`;