On a server host that has Internet access, use a command line editor to perform the following


Ambari Server requires Python version 2.7.12 to be installed. Ubuntu 14 is installed with Python 2.7.6 by default. Refer to the official source releases to get Python version 2.7.12.


  1. Install the Ambari bits. This also installs the default PostgreSQL Ambari database.

    1. apt-get install ambari-server

    When deploying a cluster having limited or no Internet access, you should provide access to the bits using an alternative method.

    Ambari Server by default uses an embedded PostgreSQL database. When you install the Ambari Server, the PostgreSQL packages and dependencies must be available for install. These packages are typically available as part of your Operating System repositories. Please confirm you have the appropriate repositories available for the postgresql-server packages.

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